Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wong Kar Wai's IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE set to "In Ear Park"

Here's my history with this beautiful, vibrant, subdued, and quiet film that is deceptively small but large in magnitude. I blind-bought it (I did a lot of blind buying Criterion films last year) and watched it one night. My thoughts about it were pleasant and overall positive. I went to work right after.

The next day I woke up and surprisingly the movie was on my mind. After a few minutes of this, I decided to put the DVD back in and re-watch it. This time I really enjoyed it. There were moments from the first viewing that I didn't catch, didn't quite understand. And this second viewing was the key to unlocking certain mysteries.

But I didn't stop there. I drove back to my home town that day. It was late. Probably two or three in the morning and I wasn't ready to go to bed. I brought IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE with me on a hunch. The cover was tempting me. I put it in again and watched the film for a third time in two days. The subtleties, the mysterious, the scope of it kept increasing.

I've probably seen the film around 10 times now in the span of a year and I am still in love with it. It has led me to watch many of Wong Kar Wai's other great films. Even 2046, the companion piece to IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE (Kar Wai calls it an echo, but it is totally a sequel), which I was reluctant towards, was exceptional. But nothing has quite topped this film. I don't think many will for me.

I said all of that to present a video I made. A music video if you will. I have recently fallen in love with the editing process and wanted to edit this movie into something. Here it is.

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