Greatest Movie Ever Sold – Morgan Spurlock of
Super Size Me fame came out with a new documentary about the process of gaining sponsors for the movie industry. In a Meta way, Spurlock’s film IS the process he has to go through to fund his film. While clever and entertaining throughout, I came out feeling just slightly more informed than I had been before. Although I found it a little slight, if you are a fan of Super Size Me, this documentary is bound to please you.
X-men First Class – Two words. McAvoy. Fassbender. The two leads playing Dr. X and Magneto are the driving force of this well made film. The relationship between these two characters is the main reason X-men is so beloved by fans and this film does not disappoint. While I found the story to be rushed and certain secondary characters plot lines to be present only for the hardcore fans,
X-Men First Class is still a first class summer blockbuster. (Heyoo…)
The Tree of Life – Terrance Malick (The Thin Red Line, The New World, Days of Heaven) is not for everyone. His fascination with unanswered questions, his deliberate pacing, and overly philosophical stories can turn some people off. Tree of Life is no different. What some people can find boring, I experienced an enriched lyrical way to tell a coming of age story. The fragmented timeframe expertly shows how we remember our past. We never really remember things in broad terms, but we remember the feelings, the smells, how someone says something, or how the light was shining in through the window. I can’t argue with someone who finds it hard to mold into this type of storytelling because I find it difficult at times, but I feel elated when I come out of a theater realizing that through almost 100 years of cinema I have not seen anything quite like it.
Midnight in Paris – Do you like Woody Allen movies? Do you like looking at a gorgeous city? Do you like looking at gorgeous people like Marion Cotillard or Rachel McAdams? (Maybe Owen Wilson is cute to you ladies?) Do you like a great soundtrack? Do you just like movies? How about pointless questions? Do you like those? Because I’m giving them to you.
Midnight In Paris is a delight to watch from start to finish. With a character who believes he was born a generation to late, someone like me who also believes this at certain times, connected with the movie very easily. Woody Allen’s latest is one of the year’s best so far.
Transformers Dark of the Moon – I admit I was a fan of the first Transformers but after hearing the putrid reviews of the second movie from the internet and from trustworthy friends, I avoided it like a plague. What brought me to this movie is a mystery but I sat for a overly long 2 ½ hours to only get 30 minutes of honest exciting action. Is it worth going to the theaters to see it? Definitely not. I would hold off until a rental so you can skip the first 2 hours to get to the nonstop action of the last 30 minutes.Or not rent it at all and watch something worthwhile. Because it's incredibly stupid. But you probably know that already. So go read a good book. I hear books are good.